Around 15 years ago our dear friends Steve and Naomi gifted us with a wisteria plant from their garden in Virginia. David built a trellis and it grew happily around and through it. Patiently we have waited for flowers, tried to coax it to bloom by pruning, chanting ( not really ) you get the idea. The birds love the foliage to camouflage their nests and we hang a thistle feeder on the trellis for the goldfinches and a bird bath beneath. We watch the trellis from our kitchen window, season by season, year by year and nary a bud or blossom.
So last night around twilight, David says" LOOK! NO, it can't be" What? I say, wondering what kind of bird was visiting. No, he says, look, BUDS!
Well, I am hoping these are buds, having never seen them on the vines before I am assuming so. Now we wait and see if we are graced with flowers. I will be amazed!